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Research Details

Research Title Evaluation of the Genetic Structure of Selected Garlic Populations in Ilocos Using Microsatellites for the Non-conventional Breeding of an Improved Variety
Researcher(s) Peter James Icalia, Prima Fe Franco, Don Carlo Batara
Research Category Project
Research Status completed
Duration Mar 01, 2017 to Apr 01, 2018
Commodity Vegetables
Research Site(s) MMSU Molecular Genetics Laboratory
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
Garlic is one of the most important cash crops grown in the province and in other parts of the country. Research studies on garlic have been conducted some years back and several varieties have been identified and bred. However, these existing varieties have never been characterized and might be of the same genetic groups. Traditionally, characterization is only based on phenotypic traits, however, this leads to biased diversity estimates since traits are influenced by the environment. Recognizing the potential of molecular markers in plant breeding can be used to evaluate genetic differences which will serve as basis in establishing a standard variety to be improved and developed for the farmers. Thus, genetic analysis of garlic germplasm by molecular markers will help in the understanding extent of genetic  diversity and varietal identification.


Applying the modern techniques in this field to garlic breeding could transform the garlic industry as ready source of cash to the farmers in areas of the country dedicated to garlic planting. The results of the molecular characterization studies will lay the foundation for the garlic breeding work to be tested for field traits.

Major Activities:

Phase 1: Collection of samples (Expected Output would be Established garlic cultivar accession)

Phase 2: Optimization of gDNA extraction procedure (Expected Output would be Optimized gDNA protocol)

Phase 3: Assessment of samples

Phase 4: Optimization of PCR Protocol (Expected Output would be Optimized PCR procedure)

Phase 5: Data Analysis (Expected Output would be the Genetic Structure/Phylogenetic tree

Expected Output
  1. Assessed molecular markers that are useful for genetic diversity, allele mapping, associated studies and management and conservation of farlic collections.
  2. Phylogenetic tree showing genetic diversity and population structure among 18 garlic cultivars.
  3. Papers for presentation and publication.
Abstract Not Available