Research Details
Enhancing productivity and quality of aromatic rice cultivars through improved cultural and postharvest management practices and product development
Dionisio Bucao, Joemel Agreda, Rodel Utrera
Category: Project
Status: Continuing
June 1, 2017 -
December 31, 2020
Brief Description
It has an underlying study entitled "Enhancing Productivity and Quality of Aromatic Rice Cultivars Through Improved Cultural and Postharvest Management Practices and Product Development".
The primary goal of this research is the enhanced yield of aromatic rice cultivars. It has the following purposes: (1) to determine the influence of nitrogen and phosphorus levels on the productivity and quality of aromatic rice cultivars; (2) to determine the effect of population density, rate and timing of application nitrogen fertilizers on the yield and quality of aromatic rice cultivars; (3) to determine the effect of irrigation method (water regime) and timing of application nitrogen fertilizers on the yield and quality of aromatic rice cultivars; (4) to determine the best drying and storage techniques and their effects on the processing and grain quality of aromatic rice; and (5) to determine the best packaging techniques in prolonging the shelf-life of brown rice.
Locale of the study. The experimental area will be characterized with regards to its ecosystem and fertility status prior to the implementation of the study. Soil samples will be collected to determine its current nutrient status, bulk density and pH.
Experimental Design. A lowland rice field with a total land area of 2,000.00 m2 will be used in the study. The study will be laid-out in Strip Plot in RCB Design with three replications. The unit plot size of the experiment will be 5m x 5m with a planting distance of 0.15m x 0.15m between rows and hills. Distance between plots and replication will be 0.75m and 1.0m, respectively. The experiment will be conducted for two wet season croppings. If water will be available however, an experiment will set-up in the second cropping (October-January).
Variables of the Study. The variables of the study are Nitrogen and Phosphorus levels and aromatic rice cultivars. Six (6) Nitrogen and Phosphorus levels and four (4) aromatic rice cultivars for rainfed lowland.
Management Practices
- Land preparation
- Seedling preparation
- Transplanting
- Fertilization
- Insect pest and disease management
- Harvesting, cleaning and drying
Data Gathering Procedures
- Agroclimatic as the Data. Data on rainfall, temperature, solar radiation and relative humidiy will be taken from the MMSU Agromet station, Batac City throughout the duration of the study. They will be correlated with the growth parameters of the test varieties.
- Plant height (cm)
- Tiller count
- Days to heading
- Days to maturity
- Number of productive and unproductive tillers
- Panicle length
- Panicle weight
- Percent Filled Grain (%)
- Seeds size
- Grain yield (kg/ha)
- Grain and eating quality assessments of aromatic rices
Milling potentials
Physical attributes
Physico-chemical characteristics
Organoleptic evaluation
Cost and return analysis
Data analysis
It is expected to produce a POT for aromatic rice cultivars; appropriate drying and storage techniques, as well as, the appropriate packaging material and technique.
Its target beneficiaries are the farmers, consumers, traders, researchers, and agricultural technicians.