Research Details

Evaluation and Varietal Development of the Local Shallot Selection "Vintar Multiplier"

Noralyn B. Legaspi, Dionisio S. Bucao, Lea C. Agbigay, Evangeline S. Galacgac, Christian Mark B. Aganus, Clarita O. Palacio, Marissa I. Atis

Category: Project

Status: On-going

Duration: July 1, 2024 - July 31, 2027

Brief Description

The research result is expected to lead in the registration of the local selection ‘Vintar Multiplier’ to the National Seed Industry Council as a variety.  This will provide an alternative to farmers who are engaged in shallot production. In addition, the production of true seeds offers an additional income to farmers and is a practical component of the seed system while an effective storage technology of seed bulb is not yet in place.

Expected Output

  • Patents/IP:   at least one (1) new high-yielding shallot variety/selection
  • Products:      shallot variety, shallot true-seeds
  •  People Services:  At least ten farmers willing to adopt the new variety/selection
  • Partnership:  LGU collaboration for the establishment of multi-location trials