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Research Details

Research Title Data Analytics Approach in Graduate Tracer Study for the College of Computing and Information Sciences
Researcher(s) Annjeannette Alain D. Galang, Gerry L. Contillo, Winchester R. Gerez, Mara Angelika C. Dafun, Charles Chile G. Abletes, Queene R. Vidad, John Eliezer L. Galano
Research Category Study
Research Status on-going
Duration Aug 01, 2025 to Jan 01, 2027
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
The growing need for skilled IT professionals will make it vital for educational institutions to continuously review and improve their programs. The College of Computing and Information Sciences at Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU) will play a crucial role in this area, and evaluating its effectiveness will be essential. Universities worldwide will increasingly realize the significance of collecting information about their graduates to enhance institutional quality, monitor employment outcomes, develop new curriculum, and influence institutional performance management systems. Researchers will undertake a study to track the employment status of CCIS alumni, the alignment of their jobs, and their job locations. They will gather a substantial amount of data from the alumni through an online platform designed for alumni tracking.  Studies tracking graduates will be essential for assessing how effectively academic programs equip students for the job market. In the case of MMSU, this research will offer valuable insights into the graduates' readiness for employment, their level of job satisfaction, and how well the curriculum matches industry requirements. The information gathered will empower the university to make well-informed decisions regarding any needed program modifications.  This research will examine the employment history of alumni to assess alignment with their bachelor's degree status for curriculum enhancement and will establish an efficient and precise method for tracking alumni locations and records. This proposed system will have the capability to produce and offer data analytics in the form of charts. The researchers will employ mixed-methods approach, descriptive research techniques to summarize both quantitative and qualitative data collection using descriptive statistics and will conduct surveys among Computer Science and Information Technology alumni selected from 2010 to 2024 for BSCS alumni and from 2022 to 2024 for BSIT alumni.  This study will focus on the development of an alumni tracer system with project system integration. Utilizing applied research and development (R&D), the researchers will create a system designed to collect comprehensive data. The system's evaluation will be conducted based on eight criteria derived from the ISO 25010:2011 system evaluation standard (Sommerville, 2011).  The CCIS GTS data will encompass a wide range of information, including employment status, salary levels, job satisfaction, and further education pursuits of graduates. This rich dataset will be analyzed using a combination of statistical techniques, including descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and data visualization. The paper will delve into these techniques, demonstrating how they are used to extract meaningful insights from the data and inform the CCIS's efforts to enhance its curriculum and support its graduates.  CCIS has found that in the last 5 years, 75% of CCIS graduates employed within six months of graduation, highlighting the strong job market demand for its graduates. This study will further explore the data behind such findings, providing a deeper understanding of the CCIS's graduate outcomes and the impact of its data-driven approach to program evaluation.  The study's findings will not only benefit MMSU by enhancing its CCIS programs but will also serve as a model for other colleges and the university as a whole. By aligning the curriculum with current employment trends, MMSU can better prepare its graduates for success in the IT industry, contributing to the overall growth of the sector in the Philippines. CCIS will implement a comprehensive Graduate Tracer Study (GTS) program. Thus, this study will explore the data analytics approach employed by the CCIS to analyze its GTS data, providing insights into the effectiveness of its programs and the success of its graduates.
Expected Output
1.      Development of the GTS Analytics System.  The development of the GTS analytics system will involve the following steps:
1.1 Data Collection and Integration
1.2 Data Cleaning and Transformation
1.3 Data Visualization Techniques
1.4 User Interface Design
2.    System Evaluation.  The evaluation of the GTS analytics system will be conducted using the ISO 25010:2011 system evaluation criteria, which includes the following aspects:
2.1   Functional Suitability: Assessing the system's ability to meet the specified requirements and functionalities.
2.2   Performance Efficiency: Evaluating the system's responsiveness, resource utilization, and overall performance.
2.3   Usability: Assessing the system's ease of use, learnability, and user satisfaction.
2.4    Reliability: Evaluating the system's ability to perform consistently and accurately over time.
2.5   Maintainability: Assessing the system's ease of modification, repair, and enhancement.
2.6   Security: Evaluating the system's ability to protect data from unauthorized access and ensure data integrity.
3.      Data Analysis. The GTS data will be analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods to explore the following factors influencing graduate outcomes:
3.1 Quantitative Analysis
3.2 Qualitative Analysis
Abstract Not Available