Welcome to AGROMET

Weather is one of the major factors that influence the growth of plants and animals that man can hardly has no control. To know the most suitable crops and the best planting season for a given area, the weather should be determined. Agrometeorological information is also vital in the success of any agriculturally related enterprise because weather influences the various agricultural activities.

The probability of occurence of tropical cyclones must also be considered. Although it could only be predicted more than a few days in advance, it is still very important because crop management can still be properly timed to avoid losses.

The MMSU-PAGASA-PCARRD Agrometeorological Station is located within the experimental farms of Mariano Marcos State University at 18° 03' N latitude and 120° 53' E longitude at an elevation of 17 m above sea level.


Instruments present in the station are the following: 8-inch standard rain gauge, tipping bucket rain gauge with event recorder, thermometers for maximum and minimun air temperature, sling psychrometer or dry and wet bulb thermometers, sunshine recorder, open pan evaporation, totalizing anemometer, soil thermometers, barograph, mercurial barometer and wind vane.


Weather data are summarized in decadal [a period of 10 days between the 1st and 10th, 11th and 20th, and 21st and 30th, 31st of the month, except February which ends in 28th or 29th, i.e. decade 1 = 1-10; decade 2 = 11-20; decade 3 = 21-30 or 31 (28 or 29 for February)] because mean monthly data give only trends of certain climatic patterns. It may hide dry spells (for rainfall) of one or two decades which can be highly critical for most crops, like rice. Monthly totals/averages were also considered in the presentation of weather pattern.

The MMSU Research Directorate provide weather data and other related information for the consumption of scientists, researchers, professionals, students and other interested parties.

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