October 07, 2016
The MMSU researchers have once again proven their dedication and commitment in coming up with promising research outputs as 11 papers were qualified for presentation as well as for oral and poster competition in the upcoming 28th Regional Symposium on R&D Highlights to be held on November 07-08, 2016 at the Tadena Hall of the University of the Philippines, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur.
The papers were selected during the ILAARRDEC 2016 Commodity Reviews held last September, all of which are under research category wherein seven are for oral, but two were recommended to be fused into one, while the other four are for poster presentation. The MMSU research papers are among the 23 selected for oral and 26 for poster presentation that will compete for the best research paper and poster categories, respectively, in the upcoming symposium. Meanwhile, the commodity reviews is a yearly endeavor of the consortium aimed to evaluate all completed, on-going and new R&D activities on technology generation, adoption, verification, development, applied communication and on farm projects of the partner-member agencies. The selection of papers for the regional symposium are categorized into two, research and development, with the following criteria: significance of findings (60%), manuscript/write-up (30%), and presentation (10%). This year, no MMSU paper was selected for the development category.
The MMSU paper qualifiers are the following:
Research (Oral Category)
1) Development and Assessment of Organic Production Management Technologies for Rice-based Ecosystem by FC Pastor, NB Legaspi, MI Remolacio, LC Agbigay, CDA Pastor, MCB Birginias, M Billones & RQ Santiago;
2) Hydro-energy Resource Assessment in La Union, Region I Using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) by JC Madalipay, R Yadao, R Utrera and N Alibuyog;
3) Development of Hydrological Dataset from LiDAR Surveys for Watersheds in Ilocos Norte by C Bumanglag, R Utrera, N Alibuyog, FC Pastor and UPO PhD team;
4) Profile of Dragon Fruit Growers and Dragon Industry in the Ilocos Norte by MM Alimbuyuguen, SB Nicolas, M Garcia, MA Ga?o & B Gervacio.
5) Morphotaxonomy and Diversity Assessment of Marine Plankton in Currimao and Pasaleng by AY Tungpalan, RQ Pascua & DC San Juan;
6) Effects of Planting Dates on the Productivity of Different Varieties of Garlic by LA Lutap, A Villarin & M Nalundasan; and
7) Multi-location Trial of Promising Varieties of Garlic in Ilocos Norte by LA Lutap to be fused into one paper.
Research (Poster Category)
1) Yield of Ilocos White Garlic in Response to Weather Condition and Purple Blotch Damage in Ilocos Norte by E Galacgac and LA Lutap;
2) Production and Physiochemical Characterization of Ilocos Norte Black Garlic by S Agrupis, T Ubiña, J Manuel & MF Inocencio;
3) Inventory of Trees in Mt. Palemlem in Adams, Ilocos Norte by R Ayson, J Rosario, A Gonzales & E Domingo; and
4) Varietal Evaluation and Development of Corn by M Remolacio.
In addition to the selected papers, three undergraduate theses from MMSU will also compete in the Undergraduate Thesis category in the same symposium, namely:
1) Molecular Identification of Banana Viruses in Symptomatic Leaf Samples and Relating the Viruses to Pre-disposing Factors by Micah Benize Gregorio from the College of Agriculture Food and Sustainable Development;
2) Effects of Secondary Metabolites Derived from Hormophysa triquetra (Kutsing, 1843) on Various Pathogens by Rhea Espiritu from the College of Aquatic Sciences and Applied Technology; and
3) Characterization and Antagonistic Potential of Sponge-associated Bacteria Isolated from Halicokna Enamela (de Laubenfels 1930) and Hitchhiker Sponge (Jaspis serpentine Wilson 1925) Collected from Poblacion 1, Currimao, Ilocos Norte by Gualberto Tampol, Jr. from the College of Arts and Sciences. These were the three winners in the MMSU Research Directorate’s 2016 Best Undergraduate Thesis Competition in the Agriculture, Natural & Physical Sciences category held last April 19, 2016. (Nataliza L. Llapitan)
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