MMSU hosts the crafting of region’s RDE agenda for bulb crops, environment

April 06, 2022

The Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU) spearheaded the workshop on updating the Research, Development and Extension (RDE) agenda of two commodity clusters of the Ilocos region: bulb crops/garlic and other agri-food condiments, and forestry, upland environment, and apiculture held on April 5, 2022, at MMSU-Function Hall in person and via zoom.

The updated RDE agenda of the commodities mentioned above will form part of the five-year (2023-2027) RDE Agenda of the Ilocos Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium (ILAARDEC). It will provide strategic directions for the RDE programs, projects, and activities along the agriculture, aquatic and natural resources (AANR) sectors initiated by the consortium member institutions (CMI) and partners.

The workshop was participated by 55 faculty and researchers from CMIs working along with the said commodities like the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University (DMMMSU), University of the Philippines (UNP), Pangasinan State University (PSU), and MMSU. Likewise, Mr. Hideto Daiko, the Managing Director of CSJ Co. Ltd. from Japan also joined the said activity.


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