MMSU researcher wins national award using remote sensing technology

February 17, 2014

Dr. Nathaniel R. Alibuyog of MMSU racked up another honor to his growing list of awards. His research paper, together with Dr.Dionisio S. Bucao and Engr. Juanito M. Maloom Predicting rice yield from multi-temporal satellite data using Articicial Neural Network (ANN), which uses remote sensing technology became one of the four finalists and won 3rd place in the Technology for Generation category in the recently concluded 25th National Research Symposium. The event was conducted by Bureau of Agricultural Research, Department of Agriculture on October 16 to 17, 2013 at RDMIC Building, Diliman, Quezon City. To be considered as a finalist, research papers must get a rating of 80% and above. A total of 130 entries were submitted and only four (4) were adjudged as finalists.

The paper of Alibuyog and his team presented the potentials of ANN models namely RiceMOD3 and RiceMOD5 to develop rice yield prediction systems using the multi-temporal satellite data before the harvest season using remote sensing images. It has been known that remote sensing technology is a powerful tool; and an accurate and reliable source of information to monitor crops, predict yields and improve crop productivity. Results of the study showed that the models are useful to provide timely prediction of crop yield over large areas as well a basis for policy makers to address rice self-sufficiency issues.

The yearly award honors and recognizes Filipino researchers who have made major research accomplishments in agricultural and fisheries sector; and whose research achievements can be adopted. Article by Ma.Leoneza B. Rigonan

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