July 16, 2015
As part of its monitoring and quality control mechanism for researches conducted, the Mariano Marcos State University through the Research Directorate held recently the Agency In-House Review (AIHR) for researches in the social sciences which included those in the fields of education and socio-economics. A total of 16 researches were presented by faculty and full-time researchers from the different colleges and units. Of these, 11 were recommended for external presentation in conferences and other similar events (Please see complete list in the RD webpage).
The AIHR for Social Sciences is the first to be conducted this year. While, the AIHR is annually conducted by the University, all researches regardless of status (completed or on-going) or sector were all presented in a one-time schedule in previous years. It was only in 2014 that those only completed researches were presented in order for these to be thoroughly evaluated and that results are already conclusive in nature. However, according to Dr. Marilou P. Lucas, newly-designated research director, as stated in her letter request, it is observed that the allocated time was still not sufficient to accommodate the number of papers presented. This prompted her to request for a separate review of completed researches in the social sciences.
This year’s evaluators for social science researches were Dr. Oscar M. Agpaoa, professor and College Research Coordinator, College of Business Economics and Accountancy (CBEA); Dr. Carmelo J. Esteban, professor, College of Agriculture, Food and Sustainable Development (CAFSD) and project manager, Affiliated Renewable Energy Center; Dr. Frederick F. Rodrigo, professor, CAFSD and chief, Instructional Materials and Distance Learning; and Dr. Artemio P. Seatriz, professor, College of Teacher Education (CTE). The review held at the MMSU-Crops Research Laboratory building was attended by about 65 faculty and full-time researchers as well as college research coordinators.
Meanwhile, the AIHR for Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Natural Sciences, Engineering, and other allied sciences is scheduled on July 21-22. (LC Agbigay)
List of Social Science Researches Selected for External Presentation
(AIHR for Social Sciences, May 6, 2015, CRL Buiding, MMSU, City of Batac)
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