Workshop on writing technology and information profile held

November 23, 2023

In its aim of optimizing the impact of its research initiatives, the Mariano Marcos State University-Research Directorate organized a workshop on Writing Technology/Information Profiles on November 17, 2023 at the University Board and Review Center.  
The workshop was initiated in response to the observation that while several research projects had been successfully completed within the university, only a limited number of outputs were effectively packaged for wider dissemination and utilization.  Recognizing the need for a more systematic approach to document and promote these research findings, RD director, Dr. Dionisio S.  Bucao,  convened the researchers for this activity.
More than 20 full-time researchers actively participated in the workshop, where they were guided to package the technologies or information generated from their completed research projects.  A template was provided during the workshop that aided the researchers in crafting the technology/information profiles.  This template served as a tool to ensure consistency and completeness of the documentation of research outputs and attain uniformity of format.  
The outputs during the day were presented by the researchers and critiqued by Dr. Bucao and other senior researchers which will be revised and finalized.  The revised technology/information profile write-up will be consolidated and categorized based on the utilization pathways which will then be endorsed by the RD to concerned offices of the university for their utilization. 
This workshop is an initial activity of the Research Directorate to facilitate easier access, sharing, and application of the valuable knowledge and technologies produced by its researchers.  According to Dr. Bucao, succeeding sessions will be held to also include the participation of faculty researchers.

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