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Research Details

Research Project:Resource Assessment and Evaluation of Dipterocarps and Premium Indigenous Timber Species in Ilocos Norte
Research Title Inventory and Assessment of Superior Mother Trees of Dipterocarps and Other Indigenous Timber Species in Ilocos Norte
Researcher(s) Joselito Rosario, Charito Samsam, Roseller Ayson, Dionisio Jamias
Research Category Study
Research Status completed
Duration Jan 01, 2013 to Dec 31, 2014
Commodity Forestry
Research Site(s)
Source of Fund(s)
Brief Description
Identification and Location of Mother Trees

Identification, mapping, characterization and marking of potential mother trees will be done in secondary growth forest areas and forest plantations in Ilocos Norte. Information regarding the location of mother trees will be taken from key informants both from the private and government sectors. The researchers will also coordinate with the DENR-Provincial Office through the Community Environment and Natural Resources Offices (CENRO-Bangui and CENRO Laoag) to seek permission in the conduct of the study in their jurisdictions and for assistance in locating the potential mother trees. The group will also coordinate with the local government units (LGUs) where potential mother trees are located.

Assessment of Mother Trees

Assessment of the potential mother trees will be based on the Guide for the Selection of Plus Trees provided in the DAO-2010-11. The candidate mother trees of dipterocarps and premium indigenous timber species will be characterizaed and rated based on their stem growth (total height and diameter at breast height (DBH, cm) stem/bole form (stem straightness, forking and circularity), health (tree health), and branching characteristics (branch angle, branch thickness or diameter and branch persistence/pruning characteristics). Physical measurements of tree parameters such as tree height and diameter at breast height (DBH) will be carried out using a tree caliper and a clinometer, respectively. On the other hand, bole form and health will be assessed through ocular inspection of the candidate trees. The following procedures will be used in the assessment of the candidate trees. These will be based on the protocol as indicated for the plus tree evaluation of hardwood species.

Traits to be measured:

  1. Height and Diameter. Height will be measured at the merchantable height using a clinometer and DBH will be taken using a tree caliper.
  2. Stem Straightness. This refers to the straightness and taper of the main stem of the candidate tree. Each candidate tree will be visually inspected and given a rating of 1-6 of crooked to perfectly straight bole.
  3. Forking. This will be rated based on the appearance as good (5-6), fair (3-4) and unacceptable (1-2).
  4. Branch Angle. The branch angle or the angle formed by the branches and the main stem is an indication of the ability of the candidate tree to prune naturally.
  5. Stem Circularity. This will be rated good (5-6) for stems that almost circle to circle, fair (3-4) for moderately deformed and unacceptable (1-2) for severely deformed stem.
  6. Tree Health. The candidate trees are expected to be healthy and resistant to disease or insect attack. Candidate trees which are green-lush and vigorous crown.
  7. Branch Thickness. Thin branches relative to the tree size will be rated good (5-6), intermediate (3-4) and thick branches relative to the tree size will be rated unacceptable (1-2 points).
  8. Branch Pruning. The tree will be rated good (5-6) when the dry branches shed relatively fast after canopy closure, fair for the intermediate (3-4) and unacceptable when dry branches remain on the stem several years after canopy (1-2).
Location and Marking of Selected Mother Trees.
The geographic location of each selected mother tree will be determined and recorded using a handheld GPS receiver. These coordinates will be used in mapping the exact location where the identified mother trees for each species are found. The selected mother trees will be marked with paint for easier access of the identified trees during the collection of planting stocks.
Expected Output
Identified, documented, marked and characterized superior mother trees of dipterocarp and premium indigenous timber species

Abstract Not Available