Research Details
Evaluation of Different Tomato Lines in the Ilocos (Study 2)
Marissa Atis, Jonathan Ramos, hazel Obien, Marylis Nalundasan, Aleta Dumaoal
Category: Study
Status: Continuing
June 11, 2014 -
December 31, 2018
Brief Description
This study is under the project "Development of Promising Varieties of Vegetables for the Ilocos".
It is being conducted at the MMSU Experimental Farm during the wet and dry season plantings from 2013-2015 to evaluate the performance of 7 tomato lines.
Major activities include:
- Land preparation, lay-outing, seedbed preparation, seed sowing and maintenance of seedlings; preparation of planting materials
- Field establishment, transplanting/planting, mulching, basal fertilizer application, irrigation
- Care and maintenance, trellising, spraying, irrigation, weeding, hilling-up, sidedressing of fertilizer
- Data gathering and harvesting
- Consolidation of data, statistical analysis and interpretation
- Technical report writing and presentation