Research Details

Evaluation of Pole Sitao Lines in the Ilocos (Study 1)

Marissa Atis, Jonathan Ramos, Marylis Nalundasan, Aleta Dumaoal

Category: Study

Status: Completed

Duration: June 11, 2014 - December 31, 2018

Brief Description

This study is under the project "Development of Promising Varieties of Vegetables for the Ilocos".

Eight entries of pole sitao will be evaluated to determine their adaptability prior to their recommendation for commercial production.

Major activities include:

  1. Land preparation, lay-outing, seedbed preparation, seed sowing and maintenance of seedlings; preparation of planting materials
  2. Field establishment, transplanting/planting, mulching, basal fertilizer application, irrigation
  3. Care and maintenance, trellising, spraying, irrigation, weeding, hilling-up, sidedressing of fertilizer
  4. Data gathering and harvesting
  5. Consolidation of data, statistical analysis and interpretation
  6. Technical report writing and presentation

Expected Output

  1. High yielding and recommended pole sitao lines suited for wet and dry season plantings under Ilocos condition.
  2. Recommended of the most promising entries to the NSIC either for regional and/or national commercial production.