Research Details

Validation of organic-based products and management technologies.

Noralyn B. Legaspi, Lea C. Agbigay,Christian Mark B. Aganus, Clarita O. Palacio

Category: Study

Status: On-going

Duration: July 1, 2024 - July 31, 2027

Brief Description

This study will involve field trials to validate the efficacy of various organic-based products and management technologies.  The organic-based products to be validated will include the MMSU organic fertilizer, Fermented fruit juices (FFJ), fermented plant juices (FPJ), compost tea, and fish amino acid (FAA).  Likewise, the recommended cropping patterns and fertilizer management options during organic conversion schemes will be validated. This aims to provide empirical evidence supporting the viability of organic-based technologies.

A techno-demo farm will be established following a rice-based agroecosystem.  All inputs e.g. seeds, fertilizer, pesticides, among others, will be organically produced.  The organic fertilizer will come from the OF Production Facility of the university while pest control measures will depend on the developed biopesticides from previous research in combination with cultural management practices such as the use of trap crops, companion crops, baits, and the like.  

After rice, the area will be planted with selected crops known to respond to organic farming system positively

Organic supplements such as fermented fruit juices (FFJ), fermented plant juices (FPJ), compost tea, and fish amino acid (FAA) will be prepared by the research team, and the efficacy of different substrates on specific crops as well as the method of application will be evaluated to generate recommendations. 

Growth and yield parameters, including pest incidence and economic considerations, will be noted and used as a basis in fine-tuning the technologies.