Cecile A. Gaoat

Cecile A. Gaoat

Science Research Assistant I

Email Address: cagaoat@mmsu.edu.ph


Cecile A. Gaoat is a graduate of BS Biology and MS Biology at Mariano Marcos State University. She has been hired as a Research Assistant in the Sweet Sorghum Project of Mariano Marcos State University and assigned to the Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology Laboratory at the College of Arts and Sciences to work on the screening of the indigenous microorganisms present in the sweet sorghum juice and molasses that involves fermentation. She was involved in various studies, particularly on the microbiology side of the project. She is also responsible for working with the services of the Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology Laboratory, especially on food microbial load testing and pathogen detection and on microbiological water testing. She also provides technical assistance to students, faculty, and private clients in the laboratory.

At present, she is employed at the university as a Research Assistant of the Research Directorate. She continues to work on various research projects while at the same time extending her work in the laboratory to be able to cater to the services offered to students, researchers, faculty, and private clients.