Research Details

Germplasm Characterization of MMSU Cassava Collections in the Ilocos (Study 1)

Marissa Atis, Jonathan Ramos, Hazel Obien, Pio Belen Jr, Illuminada Dumaoal, Lory Rafael

Category: Study

Status: Continuing

Duration: January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2020

Brief Description

This is the Study 1 of the project "Characterization, Evaluation and Utilization of MMSU Cassava Collections for Subsistence Households in Marginal Areas of Ilocos Norte".

Germplasm collection will be done in Ilocos Norte particularly Sarrat, Dingras, Paoay and Currimao. Few cuttings collected will be pre-germinated and planted for multiplication at the germplasm area.

Cassava will be harvested after 8 months. Matured healthy cuttings will be established in the germplasm area for morphological characterization. From planting to harvesting, proper monitoring, gathering and recording will be done. Interested growers can avail later few cutting for them to multiply for their own planting materials in a larger scale. Stem cuttings produced will be sold at cost to the clientele. 

Criteria for the selection of promising MMSU collections will be evaluated such as yield and yield characterizations. Dry matter and starch content, pest and diseases and eating quality of the entries will also be included as parameters. Field day will also be schedules for farmers participation in the promising selection process.

Expected Output

Promising MMSU Cassava Collections