Research Details
Development of Value-Adding Products and By-Product Utilization of Cassava for Subsistence Households (Study 3)
Pio Belen Jr, Marissa Atis, Artemio Alcoy
Category: Study
Status: On-going
January 1, 2022 -
December 31, 2023
Brief Description
This is the Study 3 of the project "Characterization, Evaluation and Utilization of MMSU Cassava Collections for Subsistence Households in Marginal Areas of Ilocos Norte".
Formulation of various product development which are simple and economical processing. Evaluation of the value-adding product will be based from the standard criteria. Panel of evaluators will consists faculty, students and housewives.
Experts will assist in the preparation of brochure/leaflets for distribution to interested cassava farmers for their production guide.
Barangays/towns interested, dissemination through lectures/seminars will be conducted with approval requests from the President. Likewise demo food preparation and cooking will also be included especially for the housewives.
Expected Output
Selection of promising cassava varieties/lines that could meet the demands of the various industries of both local and national. Utilization of coastal areas for cassava production during the wet season for subsistence households and development of value-adding products that are simple and economical.