Research Details
Development of Online Teaching and Learning Pedagogical Framework for Teacher Educators
Rosabel L. Acosta, Shalina R. Asuncion, Jahnese D. Asuncion, Charmine Q. Marcos
Category: Project
Status: Completed
March 1, 2022 -
September 30, 2023
Expected Output
1. Pedagogical Framework for Online Teaching and Learning (OTL) for Teacher Educators. a. framework will be an instructional innovation in response to the shift to flexible learning which the College of Teacher Education could share to other Teacher Education Institutions being a Center of Excellence in Teahcer Education. 2. 6 publishable journals in reputable publications. Study 1-4 a. baseline information on the status of online teaching and learning from perspectives of stakeholders (preservice teachers, teacher educators, administrators and parents and community). This information will include experiences, challenges, practices, and suggestions which will lead to the proposal of schemes to improve OTL. These will be helpful as a policy brief intended for the university administrators and enhance services provided by various offices in the university. For study 5 a. an innovation on assessment, coined as Harmonized Authentic Assessment Model, to address the arduous assessment process and promote collaboration and outcomes-based learning. This will contribute in the growing knowledge on assessment in learning, particularly in theory building. Study 6 a. will provide a curriculum audit report which will generate lesson exemplars, and determine the effective instructional strategies and course designs to guide in the online pedagogy. The results and findings of the component studies will provide input to the design of the pedagogical framework to be adapted and implemented in the College of Teacher Education and will be use to improve the services for all stakeholders.