Research Details
Effect of the progressive low, medium, and high-fidelity simulation teaching-learning modality on the clinical competence, confidence and satisfaction among the nursing learners: A quasi-experimental study
Project and Study Leader: Sabina L. Pariñas Staff: Zhiela Marie E. Abiva; Mari Elaine P. Lorica; Jonathan M. Laranang; and Marianne Hazel B. Abad
Category: Study
Status: On-going
January 1, 2024 -
December 31, 2024
Expected Output
● PRODUCT- a teaching-learning module that progressively integrates low, medium, and high-fidelity simulations in medication administration for RLE in nursing schools
● PUBLICATION- Findings will be submitted for publication to Nursing Journals (eg. Journal of Nursing Education, International Journal of Nursing Studies, Journal of Clinical Nursing, etc)
● POLICY- the findings will be a basis for curriculum development and for the implementation of stronger support for the simulation of the Department of Nursing
● PLACE AND PARTNERSHIP- memorandum of agreement will be forged between MMSU and the 2 (two) universities with well-established simulation centers namely: a) Our Lady of Fatima University in Valenzuela City, and b) Princess Nourah University in Saudi Arabia
● SOCIAL IMPACT- overall, the research study will benefit nursing learners, nursing educators, patients, healthcare institutions, the nursing profession, and the healthcare system by providing insights into the most effective use of progressive low, medium, and high-fidelity SBL protocol on medication administration, thereby improving clinical competence, confidence, and satisfaction among nursing learners, reducing medication errors, and enhancing patient care outcomes.